We welcome you to worship with us
Welcome to Compassionate
We welcome you to worship with us
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... Matt 28:19a
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... Matt 28:19a
Welcome to Compassionate
We welcome you to worship with us
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... Matt 28:19a
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... Matt 28:19a
Welcome to Compassionate
We welcome you to worship with us
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... Matt 28:19a
Mission Statement
Intentionally Connecting Others to God's Amazing Grace
Youth Pastor Position: Apply Here https://www.wakemissionarybapt.org/

We welcome all.
From small groups to Sunday School to Saturday morning bible studies for men and women.
In person worship, livestreaming and or Zoom broadcasting,
Join us on Sunday mornings 10 AM .
Join us for evening prayer daily at 1900hr
We have dozens of opportunities for encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ.
In person worship, livestreaming and or Zoom broadcasting,
Join us on Sunday mornings 10 AM .
Join us for evening prayer daily at 1900hr
We have dozens of opportunities for encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ.
Gathering Times
Sundays at 10:00AM
2310 Compassionate Dr.
Raleigh NC 27610
Join us at Compassionate, Livestream, Social Media and Zoom meeting
Wednesdays, @ 12:05 PM In- Person 7PM.
Also on Facebook, YouTube and Zoom
2310 Compassionate Dr.
Raleigh NC 27610
Join us at Compassionate, Livestream, Social Media and Zoom meeting
Wednesdays, @ 12:05 PM In- Person 7PM.
Also on Facebook, YouTube and Zoom